Sunday Stash May 20, 2018

To make up for all the weeks where nothing changed, everything changed this week.
Fabric out for the RWB trip around the world back and binding 4.5 yards.
I behaved myself at the guild fabric sale. I added a couple cuts of red to fill in gaps in my stash, a bamboo bat, zippers and tracing paper. My tracing paper mildewed and I had to throw it away. I also added a pattern at the thrift. Those items are on the left.
fabric sale haulI picked up another Crab Apple Hill pattern off the free table at guild. My friend picked up the blue fabric at the sale and thought it really looked like me and threw it in my bag when we got out to the car. These items are on the right.
I’m still have positive usage and I didn’t adopt any more orphans, so I’m happy.
Fabric In: 5.25 yards
Fabric Out: 9 yards
Net Fabric Used: 3.75 yards
Quilt & embroidery spending: $110

How did you do this week?

1 Julie in GA
2 MartiDIY
3 Chrisknits
4 maggie f
5 Aileen K
6 Desertsuz

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3 Responses to Sunday Stash May 20, 2018

  1. Marti says:

    What a great friend! I love the blue fabric too. Nice guild sale. If ours has anything like that, I’ve never seen it.

  2. chrisknits says:

    I WAS doing well, until I had to run out for thread! And somehow 6 yards came home with me. How’d that happen? 😝

  3. dezertsuz says:

    You are holding in the negative, and buying things that are going to be used, so that’s perfect!

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