In The Sewing Room 10/18/23

Here’s what’s on the go in the sewing room this week.

The top half of Remember Me is basted, and I am auditioning quilting designs.

I pressed fabric for the background of the challenge piece.

I’m pulling together the bits and bobs I think I want to add. I may need a larger background to fit everything. Time will tell.

I may also need to step away from Remember Me while I work on the challenge. I find it easier to figure out one project at a time. I can do two at once, but I lose momentum and the ideas don’t flow as well.

Let me know if you enjoy seeing the weekly progress on my projects. I don’t feel like my projects move very fast. If it’s of interest I will keep posting it.

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3 Responses to In The Sewing Room 10/18/23

  1. Laura says:

    I like to see the progress, Donna! I enjoy the flow of ideas! It is very interesting how you are auditioning quilting designs! 🙂

  2. Kate says:

    It’s interesting how we each have our own response to project work. I need to work on several at a time, I feel stuck if I just work on one. But I don’t do art pieces, so I can see where that would require a different focus. Good luck with which ever approach you decide on.

    • Art quilts tend to be an endless string of decisions. I find it hard to create if I’m tired or overly stressed. Too much mental clutter and I can’t hear what the quilt is telling me!

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