Sunday Stash March 4, 2018

First I want to thank everyone that links up on Sundays and everyone who stops by to read the reports. I know I enjoy seeing how much fabric everyone else has coming in and out, and I hope you do to. We’ve seen some great usage numbers and quilt finishes so far this year. Very inspiring!
No fabric in or out for me this week. My big splurge was books at the library book sale. Usually there is a huge crowd first thing, but this sale started during work hours on Friday, attracting mostly older people and young mothers.
I was the only person looking in the Crafts section until a woman came over looking for jewelry making books. It was book sale heaven.
I picked up three sewing books, three quilting books and one crochet book. I decided I want to sew clothes again after a 15 year break, and needed some refresher material. I learned the first time by watching Sewing With Nancy. Her passing was such a huge loss to the sewing world.
March 2018 book saleBecause the Universe has a sense of humor, the Fabric Leftover book was in the sale and I bought it. I took that book back to the library in disgust a mere month ago, but I’ve been rethinking the technique….with modifications. Never say never.
My spending went up slightly. I crammed so many books in the bag they were only a quarter a piece.
Fabric In: 0
Fabric Out: 1.5
Net Fabric Used: 1.5
Quilt & embroidery spending: $15
How did you do this week?

1 Maggie f
2 Kate
3 MartiDIY
4 Chrisknits
5 Meloney
6 Melanie
7 Patricia
8 Quilting Gail
9 Angie in SoCal
10 Aileen K

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6 Responses to Sunday Stash March 4, 2018

  1. Kate says:

    You did really well at the book sale. Those are the safe kind of sales, the ones with no fabrics!

  2. Marti says:

    You got some great books and can’t beat that price. The Flip Flop paper piecing looks interesting. I want to start sewing clothes again too, especially knits. I really liked Sewing with Nancy too. PBS still shows her reruns here.

  3. chrisknits says:

    I went backwards, again! Argh!!

  4. Melanie says:

    Thanks for hosting the stash report! Great book finds.

  5. Pingback: A New Quilting Challenge | Quilting Gail

  6. Mia is mine says:

    Don’t you just love a Library Book Sale? Great finds – and yes – Nancy’s passing is too sad…..
    Thank you hosting a great party – keeps me on track! 🙂

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