The Next Lucky Project

With two quilts finished, it’s time start another project that hasn’t seen the light of day in far too long.

Years ago I went to a quilt group that made “membership quilts”. Starting with the person who had been in the group the longest, that person defined what quilt block she wanted and everyone made her one. Each member chose a theme and the size. When my turn came, I chose 12” blocks in 30s reproduction fabrics. The block design was the maker’s choice.

Based on the dated blocks, I received mine in late 2006/early 2007.

At some point I sewed the blocks into rows and added sashing. I also purchased a grab bag of 30s reproduction fabrics at a quilt show to use for the borders.

Then it sat.

A few years ago I used almost all the grab bag fabric to make this quilt.

That membership quilt kept bugging me to finish it, but those 30s fabrics aren’t the thing anymore. I had a hard time finding much selection, and when I did the bundles were sold out.

Then the Quilting Gods smiled on me when I went to the estate sale a few weeks ago. Now I have enough fabric to finish this quilt and make a few more.

At least two of the women who made blocks have passed away. Now is the time to finish my membership quilt and get it off the UFO list.

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4 Responses to The Next Lucky Project

  1. Laura says:

    You will have a great keepsake when finished! I know I treasure the signed blocks from members of a wonderful guild that I used to be a member of! 🙂

  2. Susan Nixon says:

    I’m so glad you found the fabrics you needed. They are still out there, but you have to know where to go. An estate sale was a good place for you, and less expensive, probably. That’s going to be a wonderful piece of your quilting history.

  3. Jennifer in Indy says:

    What a neat project! I have a set of bee blocks that have never been made into a quilt either…might have to pull them out!

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