Sunday Stash December 20, 2020

No change in the numbers.

I’m sewing the facing on Tribes, with a goal of squeezing one more finish in the year.

I subscribed to Craftsy when they offered the too-cheap-to-pass-up price, somewhere under $3 for a year’s subscription. I’m watching Free-Motion Quilting with Lines, Curves & Loops with Debby Brown. I used a few of the designs covered in that class when quilting Tribes.

I need to get another project ready to quilt so I can continue practicing the different quilting designs. It doesn’t do much good to watch the class if I don’t use it.

Fabric In: 17.75

Fabric Out: 21.875 yards

Net Fabric Out: 4.25 yards

How did you do this week?

1 Chrisknits

2 Meloney

3 Julie in GA

4 Quilting Gail

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8 Responses to Sunday Stash December 20, 2020

  1. melfunk says:

    I love trying new patterns. Love your project.

  2. Laura says:

    Your quilting is looking good! 🙂

  3. Laura Kate says:

    Have you considered practicing your FMQ on little gift items? One of Christina Cameli’s classes is about making small baskets or bags with FM quilted fabric blocks. I also made journal covers and pillows with FM quilted fabric. These projects can be finished quickly and you end up with a useful item to keep or give.

  4. GAYLE KUSH says:

    I have never regretted my membership with Craftsy. I enjoy the classes and the extra content a lot!

  5. Pingback: We have SNOW!! | Quilting Gail

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